Armor mount and blade
Armor mount and blade

armor mount and blade armor mount and blade

Erta Willowbark - A healer is essential for any party. With new factions and new units in Bannerlord, there are a ton of options when it comes to building an army. You need to participate in Vlandian tournaments. Bannerlord's cheats and console commands are easy to use, too, once you've made a quick edit to a single Hold Up Displays - Crossbow Holder - Flat Wall Vertically displays your crossbow. A heavy infantry wielding a two handed axe. There now exists a way to get crossbow skill without even owning a crossbow. Which Faction Culture to pick? If on foot the best is battania fians then probably sharpshooters for vlandia. The light crossbow was pretty good and I equipped all of my companions with one. My crossbow skill is now 17 and I have never owned a crossbow. This is an extremely expensive weaponcoins. In Bannerlord they decided that they don't like crossbows or cavalry and the made design decisions to affect them adversely.

Armor mount and blade